Vedant Palit

I am a fourth year undergraduate student at IIT Kharagpur pursuing a BTech in Industrial & Systems Engineering and an MTech in Financial Engineering.

I take interest in machine and deep learning, particularly in the domain of natural language processing and computer vision. Recently I have been delving into the specifics of mechanistic interpretability. I also enjoy quizzing, reading sci-fi books and watching anime.

Feel free to drop me an e-mail if you want to chat with me!

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  • [June '24] Two papers submitted and under review at EMNLP 2024.
  • [Feb '24] Started as an Undergraduate Researcher at the Eickhoff AI Lab, Brown University, USA.
  • [Feb '24] Started as a Research Intern at the Inria Centre, University of Lille, France.
  • [July '23] Our Paper 'Towards Vision-Language Mechanistic Interpretability: A Causal Tracing Tool for BLIP' got accepted at the ICCV CLVL Workshop 2023.
  • [June '23] Our Paper 'Knowledge Graph Guided Semantic Evaluation of Language Models For User Trust' got accepted at IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023.
  • [November '22] Started as a Research Intern at University of Maryland, Baltimore.
  • [December '21] Got accepted into IIT Kharagpur.


What Do VLMs NOTICE? A Mechanistic Interpretability Pipeline for Noise-free Text-Image Corruption and Evaluation
Michal Golovanesky, William Rudman, Vedant Palit, Ritambhara Singh, Carsten Eickhoff
Under Review at EMNLP, 2024
Repo / arXiv

QA-RAG: Leveraging Question and Answer-based Retrieved Chunk Re-Formatting for Improving Response Quality During Retrieval-augmented Generation
Kaushik Roy, Yuxin Zi, Chathurangi Shyalika, Renjith Prasad, Sidhaarth Murali, Vedant Palit Amit Sheth
Under Review in the MAKE Journal, 2024
Repo / Preprint

WellDunn: On the Robustness and Explainability of Language Models and Large Language Models in Identifying Wellness Dimensions
Ali Mohammadi, Edward Raff, Jinendra Malekar, Vedant Palit, Francis Ferraro, Manas Gaur
Under Review at EMNLP, 2024
Repo / arXiv

Towards Vision-Language Mechanistic Interpretability: A Causal Tracing Tool for BLIP
Vedant Palit, Rohan Pandey, Aryaman Arora, Paul Pu Liang
ICCV CLVL Workshop, 2023
Repo / arXiv

Knowledge Graph Guided Semantic Evaluation of Language Models For User Trust
Kaushik Roy, Tarun Garg, Vedant Palit, Yuxin Zi, Vignesh Narayanan, Amit Sheth
IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023
Repo / arXiv


Constrained Ocean Freight Optimization
Operations Research Lab Project

Utilised and adapted the concept of capacity constrained vehicle routing to determine the optimal path to be taken by ships from a shipping company, using Gurobipy and CPLEX.

Knowledge Graph Generation from Scraped Text
AIISC Project

Created an automated text extraction system, for custom information extraction from an input wikipedia page followed by entity generation through parsing, named entity correlation and KG generation.

Image Stitching and RANSAC Line Fitting
Task for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Group, IIT KGP

Constructed a pipeline of the image stitching through brute-force matching as well as KNN Association of keypoints in two images of the same scene taken from close yet different angles.

Lane Detection and Gamma Correction
Task for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Group, IIT KGP

Designed an algorithmic implementation of lane detection utilising a Gaussian blur and Gamma Correction for brightness adjustment, followed by canny edge and contour detection to detect roads in real-life images.

Kalman Filter Trajectory Determination
Task for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Group, IIT KGP

Developed a trajectory determination program based on the kalman filter algorithm utilising information from acceleration and position sensors to predict the next position of a vehicle.


Design and Source Code by Jon Barron.